Machine Test CASSY 1.0

LD 7732901
Machine Test CASSY 1.0
Machine Test CASSY 1.0
Machine Test CASSY 1.0
Machine Test CASSY 1.0
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The Machine Test CASSY is part of the machine test system for the analysis of electrical drives and the simulation of machine loads. Its compact size allows it to be used in an experiment frame or as a table top unit.

The Machine Test CASSY differs from its previous model in that it has an additional LAN connection.

In addition to the control unit for the Electrical Dynamometer (7732 990), it has a powerful measurement and analysis system with four isolated and potential-free measurement channels, each for simultaneous measurement of current and voltage, comparable to the Power Analyser CASSY (727 100).

The speed measurement is carried out via an optical sensor and gives an angular resolution of 0.1 °.

The torque is measured up to ±33 Nm with a resolution of 1x10-2 Nm. This can then also be calibrated with a reference weight of 2 kg.

The Machine Test CASSY can be used for the following experiments, among others:

  • Analysis of machines as a motor and as a generator
  • Behaviour to different load cases, e.g. flywheel mass, blower etc.
  • Behaviour of time variable load cases
  • Study of frequency converter with asynchronous machine, IMP machines
  • Starting with star-delta circuit, soft starter and frequency converter
  • Parametrisation of control units for soft starting or heavy starting with slip-ring rotor

Machine selection:

It is possible to comprehensively parametrise all available machines. This parametrisation is supported by intelligent menu guidance. Due to integrated recognition of machine types of new design this selection is eased.

Furthermore, machines from the existing inventory can also be integrated and individually parametrised. A switch-over of the safety loop between LD machines and e.g. machines of the brand "ELWE Technik" is easily possible.

The menu "Freely parametrisable" additionally allows the manual input of parameters of older machines, third-party machines or special machines e.g. for research purposes. Please contact our technical consultants.

Operating modes:

Testing of motors

The control during the testing of motors is either done by the measured speed or with the help of the measured torque.

  • Speed control: Manual, Automatic, Run-up characteristic, Load characteristic
  • Torque control: Manual, automatic dynamic unloading, automatic dynamic loading, automatic static according to IEC DIN VDE 60034-2-1 in 6 steps and additionally in 16 steps from 0% to 150%

Testing of generators

Electrical machines can be tested, monitored and analysed by the system as a generator in isolated operation - but also in mains operation.

Load simulation

Depending on the speed for start-up and operating behaviour

  • Load characteristic: T(n) (extruder)
  • Load characteristic: T(n²) (turbo machine e.g. fan)
  • Load characteristic: TL = const. (elevator, crane)
  • Load characteristic: P const. (lathe, milling machine spindle)
  • Load characteristic: T(α) flywheel mass
  • Free characteristic: specified via external software, e.g. CASSY Lab 2 for drives and power systems 524 222, LabView or MATLAB

Time-dependent load behaviour

  • Sine function
  • Trapezoid function
  • Triangle function:
  • Free functions, specified via external software, e.g: CASSY Lab 2 for drives and power systems 524 222, LabView or MATLAB

Generator control

Isolated operation

  • Power control
  • Voltage droop
  • Freq. droop

Mains operation

  • Power control
  • Voltage droop
  • Freq. droop
  • Superimposed cosine phi controller
  • Parallel operation of generators

Mechanical analyses on machines

Moment of inertia

  • Determination of moment of inertia
  • During braking processes
  • During acceleration

Technical data

Measurements in the range of the machine test system:

  • Speed: nM ±2000.0 rpm, ±3500.0 rpm, ±5000.0 rpm, 34.00 s-1, 64.00 s-1, 84.00 s-1,
  • Torque: TM ±33.000 Nm
  • Angular acceleration: ωM 400°/s², 4000°/s², 40000°/s²
  • Mechanical power: Pmec ±600.0 W, ±1200 W, ±2400 W, ±3600 W
  • Electrical power: Pel ±600.0 W, ±1200 W, ±2400 W, ±3600 W, ±6000 W
  • Machine voltage: UM mean terminal voltage
    • DC ±150 V, ±250 V, ±360 V, ±700 V, AC  100 V, 170 V, 250 V, 490 V
  • Machine current: IM mean line current
    • DC ±2,4 A, ±10 A, ±24,0 A, ±48,0 A, AC  1,6 A,  7,0 A,  16 A,  32 A
  • Phase displacement: φM
  • Mains frequency: fM
  • Excitation voltage: UE DC ±36 V, ±150 V, ±360 V, AC 25 V, 100 V, 250 V
  • Excitation current: IE DC ±1 A, ±2.4 A, ±10.0 A, ±24.0 A, AC 0.7 A, 1.6 A, 7 A, 16 A
  • Excitation power: PE ±400.0 W
  • Apparent power: SM ±1200 VA, ±2400 VA, ±3600 VA, ±6000 VA, ±12000 VA
  • Reactive power: QM ±1200 var, ±2400 var, ±3600 var, ±6000 var, ±12000 var
  • Efficiency: ηM 200.00%
  • Slip: sM

Integrated didactic measuring system:

  • Inputs: 4 isolated measurement channels CAT III 300 each with I and U measurement (max. 8 can be used simultaneously)
  • Input A-D: U and I connection via 4 mm safety sockets
  • Measuring ranges U: 25/70/250/700 V AC, ±36 /±100/±360/±1000 V DC
  • Measuring ranges I: 0.7/1.6/7/16 A AC, ±1/±2.5/±10/±16 A DC
  • Simultaneous measurement of U, I, φu, φ, f and P each in 4 channels as well as current
  • Sampling rate max. 1,000,000 values/s per channel for U, max. 500,000 values/s for I
  • Instantaneous and averaged values U, I and P
  • RMS values (AC+DC / AC) U and I
  • Individually switchable fundamental wave filter for current and voltage
  • Analogue output: capable of controlling external relays or voltage regulators.
  • Temperature monitoring for dynamometer and DUT
  • Monitoring of wave covering: System shut-down with restart protection
  • Four-quadrant display with LEDs to indicate the operating point
  • Adjustable speed and torque limits
  • Highest safety standard: leakage current < 5 mA

Integrated operating and display unit

  • Display on 9 cm colour screen (QVGA 3.5")
  • Display of up to 24 measured values simultaneously
  • Display of all values for each channel
  • Display of all values in tabular form
  • Display and evaluation of the measured values in different diagrams
  • Display of a vector diagram
  • Display of all parameters for control and configuration - also for operation without computer
  • Pushbutton and incremental encoder with pushbutton
  • Further functions and interfaces

USB type C interface with PC or laptop to use with external software, e.g. CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems 524 222, LabView or MATLAB or as USB drive for transferring measurement data and for parametrisation.

Wireless network (WiFi) for use with LabDoc, CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems 524 222 or as interface to Matlab and LabView

Additional information:

  • Mains voltage: 230 V 50–60 Hz
  • Power rating: 3.6 kVA
  • Temperature-controlled active ventilation
  • Dimensions: 500 mm x 300 mm x 180 mm
  • Weight: 12 kg

Scope of delivery

  • Machine Test CASSY
  • 1 USB C / A cable
  • Cold device cable EU / GB
  • 7-pin conductor with round plugs

Related Documents

PDF (Instruction Sheet) PDF (Instruction Sheet) [773 2901] Machine Test CASSY 1.0


Web Link Web Link CASSY.App Web
ZIP ZIP Mobile Config, Mobile Edit and Machine Test CASSY Firmware (V1.10)
Utilities and firmware update without CASSY Lab 2
MSI MSI CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems (en, V2.29)
Free demo version, full version requires a licence code of CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems
MSI MSI CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems (fr, V2.29)
Free demo version, full version requires a licence code of CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems
MSI MSI CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems (es, V2.29)
Free demo version, full version requires a licence code of CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems
MSI MSI CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems (pt, V2.29)
Free demo version, full version requires a licence code of CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems
MSI MSI CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems (it, V2.29)
Free demo version, full version requires a licence code of CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems
MSI MSI CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems (nl, V2.29)
Free demo version, full version requires a licence code of CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems
MSI MSI CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems (ru, V2.29)
Free demo version, full version requires a licence code of CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems
MSI MSI CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems (zh, V2.29)
Free demo version, full version requires a licence code of CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems
Manual Manual CASSY Lab 2 Manual (en)
Manual Manual CASSY Lab 2 Manual (fr)
Manual Manual CASSY Lab 2 Manual (es)
Web Link Web Link CASSY Lab 2 Web Help (en)
Web Link Web Link CASSY Lab 2 Web Help (fr)
Web Link Web Link CASSY Lab 2 Web Help (es)
ZIP ZIP CASSY SDK for own software development (Windows/Linux)
ZIP ZIP LabVIEW driver for LabVIEW 2017 or higher (Windows)
ZIP ZIP MATLAB driver with examples (Windows)
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