For students to understand the connection between simple logic circuits and microprocessor systems, they need an appreciation of medium scale integration devices. The CK342 Analogue & Digital Trainer provides students with the experience of many of the popular electronic systems building blocks. It allows the investigation of individual elements and then shows the effect of connecting them together in different configurations.
The system comprises two modules, the CK342A Digital Systems Trainer and CK342B Analogue Systems Trainer. The CK342A introduces analogue to digital and digital to analogue conversion from basic principles. The CK342B extends the coverage of the CK342A by teaching analogue to digital and digital to analogue conversion as applied to digital systems used to control analogue devices. As more digital systems are used to control analogue devices. The CK342A can operate independently, whereas the CK342B requires a CK342A to be operational. The CK342A requires a d.c. power supply, so we recommend our 01-100 d.c. Power Supply (supplied separately). Hence, the complete systems are: CK342A + 01-100 or CK342A + CK342B + 01-100.
Curriculum Coverage
Digital Systems Trainer CK342A
- Registers
- Counters
- The arithmetic unit ALU
- Addition 7 subtraction
- Data storage & retrieval
- Fetching an instruction and it's operand
Analogue Systems Trainer CK342B
- D to A conversion DAC
- DAC using analogue switch
- DAC based on R-2R network
- Monolithic DAC
- A to D conversion ADC
- Integrating ADC
- Sample & hold