The following phenomena can be modelled:
- Motion of the earth around the sun
- Rotation of the earth about its own axis
- Inclination of the earth's axis
- Motion of the moon around the earth
- Orientation of the moon's orbit in relation to the orbit of the earth
- Projection of the sky aided by a bright lamp within the sun model
Portable, easy-to-use equipment on a base with adjustment knobs for electrical control, celestial hemispheres made of tough, translucent plastic with constellations, the Milky Way and an angular scale printed on the inside. The "southern" half contains a tellurium system, consisting of sun, earth and moo. Sun model with projector lamp and drive motor. Two miniature motors for moving earth and moon. Orbits of Mercury Venus and Mars are represented by wire rings while the other planets are simply printed onto the constellations.