LD 524049

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For measurement of the electrical processes at the heart muscle (ECG, electrocardiogram) or skeletal muscles (EMG, electromyogram) with Sensor-CASSY or Pocket-CASSY. The tension of the muscles is recorded with self-adhesive silver/silver chloride electrodes. In case of the ECG measurement all three standard measurements using the EINTHOVEN method can be run. The sensors are electrically isolated from CASSY.

Technical data

  • Cable length: each 1 m (screened)
  • Dimensions: 92 mm x 92 mm x 30 mm
  • Weight: 0.3 kg

Scope of delivery

1 529492 30 ECG/EMG single use electrodes LD

Additionally recommended

1 529492 30 ECG/EMG single use electrodes LD
1 662112  4  Electrode gel LD
1 6621131  4  Disinfectant spray LD
1 529493  8  * ECG/EMG permanent electrodes LD

Articles marked with * are alternative.

Related Documents

PDF (Instruction Sheet) PDF (Instruction Sheet) [524 049] ECG/EMG box
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