Modern CAN FD data bus node for generating CAN FD messages and for converting classic CAN 2.0 and CAN FD messages.
Generation of CAN FD messages
The module generates CAN FD messages as they are used in the most modern vehicles, which can be examined in a practical manner with a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO). In contrast to the original control units, it is programmed in such a way that it can be operated together with the DSO without switching to error mode - without a second control unit on the bus.
The bit rate switching (BRS) during the actual data transmission can be switched on and off during operation in order to better recognize the effect in the oscillogram.
In connection with a CAN data analyzer, the contents of the messages can be displayed and evaluated in tabular form or continuously. This is particularly interesting for the further tasks for:
Conversion of CAN messages
Received CAN 2.0 messages can be converted into CAN FD messages and vice versa. In this way, combining several classic messages into a "high-speed" message can be examined in a didactic manner and with an additional plug-in element a CAN FD transmission line can be set up.
Learning content
- Understanding the requirements of CAN data buses in modern vehicles
- Recognizing the differences between classic CAN and CAN-FD in the oscillogram
- Carrying out problem-oriented troubleshooting through voltage measurement
- Understanding the CAN FD protocol structure and its interpretation
- Carrying out problem-oriented troubleshooting through protocol analysis
The colored surface printing ensures clear identification and assignment of the connections.
Device features
- Plug & Play - plug in and measure
- Error mode suppression if there is no arbitration
- Dual CAN interface based on FPGA
- BRS changeover with external switch during operation
- Configuration changes without restart
- Firmware upgradeable
As part of the problem-oriented training (PBT- P roblem B ased T raining), practical learning situations are presented with the help of the accompanying documents in the LabDocs format and system errors and their causes are determined.