Handling of a reversible fuel cell - Digital

Handling of a reversible fuel cell - Digital
Handling of a reversible fuel cell - Digital


In the following experiment, the students learn about the reversible PEM fuel cell and how it has to be prepared and reworked for correct operation. The fuel cell is also used as an electrolyser to produce water and oxygen in order to gain an initial understanding of how it works.

The knowledge gained in this experiment will be used in all experiments involving the fuel cell.

Components of equipment sets

1 6674044  4 
PEM reversible fuel cell LD
1 456210  4 
H2+O2 storage LD
1 6674012
Base plate for fuel cell LD
1 571260
Adapter lead 2/4 mm, 30 cm, blue LD
1 571262  8 
Adapter lead 2/4 mm, 30 cm, red LD
1 524450  8 
Electrochemistry Box M LD
1 524005W2
Mobile-CASSY 2 WiFi LD
1 6753410  4 
Water, pure, 5 l LD
1 610010  8 
Laboratory safety goggles LD
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