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- Catalogue of experiments - Chemistry /
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- The Leclanché cell /
- Carboxymethylcellulose, 100 g
The Leclanché cell
- Reaction kinetics
- Chemical equilibrium
- Thermochemistry
- Conductivity and ions
- Electrochemical potentials
Galvanic cells
- The Daniell cell
- The large Daniell cell
- The Leclanché cell
- The large Leclanché cell
- The Magensium Air Element
- Influence of electrolyte concentration on the Daniell element
- Influence of the electrode gap on the Daniell element
- Serial and parallel connection of elements
- Recording characteristics of a Daniell element with the electrochemistry demonstration unit
- Edison accumulator
- Electrolysis
- Galvanic processes in engineering
- Fuel cells
- Transport processes
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