Electrochemistry demonstration unit, CPS

LD 664 4071
Electrochemistry demonstration unit, CPS
  8  Electrochemistry demonstration unit, CPS

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With this demonstration equipment from LD Didactic, you now have available a universal power supply and measurement instrument which can be used to conduct a broad variety of experiments from the field of electrochemistry. Combining three functions in a single unit considerably reduces the required preparation time while at the same time simplifying the actual experiments.
The demonstration unit fulfils three purposes:
It functions as a power supply, delivering AC and DC voltage
It is equipped with two measurement instruments:
- for voltage measurements from 0 … 60 V
- for current measurements from 0 … 2 A
This unit serves as a current indicator and load using the built-in miniature motor with segmented display disk.
The measured voltages and currents are displayed simultaneously and independently of each other on a red LED display, the digits of which are 26 mm high. The numbers can read clearly even from a distance of about 10 meters.

Technical data

  • Power supply unit:
    Voltage: 0-20 V DC, 0-12 V AC
  • Voltmeter:
    Voltage range: 0-60 V (5 ranges)
    Current range: 0-2000 mA (3 ranges)
    Digital display: 26 mm high, 3 ½ digits
    Display accuracy: 1/2000 of full scale
  • Motor unit with disc:
    Run up current: 18 mA approx.
    Voltage: max. 3 V
    Power supply: 230 V, 50 Hz
  • experiment panel (WxHxD): 400 x 297 x 150 mm

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