The Briggs Rauscher Reaction

The Briggs Rauscher Reaction
The Briggs Rauscher Reaction

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The Briggs-Rauscher reaction is a prototype of an oscillating reaction. An oscillating reaction fluctuates between different states. In the Briggs-Rauscher reaction, the solution is initially colorless or slightly yellow and later turns deep blue. The blue color is due to the iodine-starch complex, which is formed by iodide ions. As soon as these ions disappear during the complex reaction cycle, the solution becomes colorless again. In the experiment, the Briggs-Rauscher reaction is built up and followed.

Components of equipment sets

1 524069  4  Immersion photometer S LD
1 667416  8  Single-rod redox probe BNC LD
1 5240672  4  pH adapter S LD
1 524005W2 Mobile-CASSY 2 WiFi LD
1 666839  4  Magnetic stirrer with hotplate LD
2 666851  4  Stirring magnet, 25 mm x 6 mm Ø, circular LD
1 664114  4  Beaker, DURAN, 400 ml, tall LD
4 664103  4  Beaker, DURAN, 250 ml, squat LD
1 665754  4  Measuring cylinder 100 ml, with plastic base LD
1 6677967 Compact Balance EMB200-2 LD
4 6045682  4  Powder spatula, steel, 185 mm LD
1 665212  4  Glass stirring rod 200 x 8 mm Ø LD
1 30945  4  Universal pencil LD
1 665994  4  Graduated pipette 1 ml LD
1 666003  4  Pipetting ball (Peleus ball) LD
1 666523  4  Stand rod, 450 x 12 mm diam., M10 thread LD
2 30109  4  Bosshead S LD
2 666555  4  Universal clamp 0...80 mm LD
1 6753400  4  Water, pure, 1 l LD
1 6753500  4  Hydrogen peroxide, 30 %, 250 ml LD
GHS05GHS07 Danger H302 H318
1 6726500  4  Potassium iodate, 25 g LD
GHS03GHS05 Danger H272 H318
1 6747850  4  Sulfuric acid, 95-98 %, 250 ml LD
1 6732300  4  Manganese(II) sulfate, 50 g LD
GHS08GHS09 Warning H373 H411
1 6731800  4  Malonic acid, 50 g LD
GHS07 Warning H302 H319
1 6749200  4  Starch, soluble, 100 g LD

Experiment Instructions

PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C4.1.4.1 The Briggs Rauscher Reaction
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