Water calorimeter

LD 38801
Water calorimeter
  4  Water calorimeter

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For investigation of heat in relation to the frictional work or electrical energy as well as for the determination of (specific) heat capacity. With pins for attachment to the mechanical equivalent of heat, basic apparatus (388 00) and axial thermometer hole with packing. Including rubber gasket and two metal rings. Without heating coil.

Technical data

  • Diameter 47 mm
  • Material: Cu
  • Assembly: cavity
  • Height: 47 mm
  • Weight: 100 g

Related Documents

PDF (Instruction Sheet) PDF (Instruction Sheet) [388 01] Water calorimeter
PDF (Description from CASSY Lab) PDF (Description from CASSY Lab) P2.3.3.2 Converting mechanical energy into heat energy - Measuring with Mobile-CASSY
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