Am-241 preparation, open, 3.7 kBq

LD 559 825
Am-241 preparation, open, 3.7 kBq
  8  Am-241 preparation, open, 3.7 kBq

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Open sample preparation without permit requirement in Germany for experiments with alpha-radiation, in particular spectroscopy.
The Am-241 is not covered, therefore there is no energy spread or energy loss on account of a covering.
With discriminator pre-amplification 559 931. Resolution of the fine structure is possible. * According to German legislation (StrlSchV) it is generally not necessary to obtain a specific permit when handling authorised samples, as long as the total activity, s calculated by the stipulated summation formula, does not exceed the authorised limit. Educational establishments should clarify with the responsible authorities whether additional regulations need to be observed, particularly with open radiaoactive samples.

Technical data

  • Activity: 3.7 kBq
  • Isotope: Am-241
  • Radiation: α, γ
  • Source mounted in such a way as to protect it from contact, 85 mm x 12 mm diam.
  • With M5 thread for attachment
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