Generator-fed transmission system

Generator-fed transmission system
Generator-fed transmission system

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In certain situations, e.g. when supplying remote areas or islands, a wide area synchronous grid is not feasible at all. Also, some industrial plants generate the electrical energy they need themselves and only draw power from the grid in the event of a fault.

In this experiment, an off-grid system consisting of a synchronous generator and a transmission line model is investigated under different types of load. The stand-alone system is not connected to other power sources.

Resistive, inductive and capacitive loads are used as consumers. The most common case of a mixed resistive-inductive load is studied separately, with and without parallel compensation.

Learning objectives

  • Behaviour of a generator-fed off grid system
  • Influence of the generator voltage control
  • Analysis of the system with resistive, inductive, and capacitive load and combinations of R, L and C

The student should learn to understand the behaviour of a generator and of transmission lines through measurement and evaluation.

Target groups

Pupils in vocational training in power engineering. Training in the field of power plant technology in industry. Students in general electrical engineering and power engineering. Levels up to a bachelor's degree.

Knowledge of three-phase or alternating current technology is a prerequisite.


  • Influence of the generator voltage control
  • Investigation of the voltage levels before and after the transmission line in dependency of the load
  • Investigation of the reactive power output as a function of the load
  • Reactive power compensation
  • Characteristics of transmission lines under load

Components of equipment sets

1 74551 Transmission Line Model 380 kV LD
1 7732990 Electrical dynamometer, 1.0 LD
1 773307 Synchronous machine VP, 1.0 LD
1 745021  4  Excitation voltage controller 200 V/2.5 A LD
1 773361 Controllable resistive load, 1.0 LD
1 773362 Controllable capacitive load, 0.3 LD
1 773364 Controllable inductive load LD
1 727111 Power Analyser CASSY Plus LD
1 7732901 Machine Test CASSY 1.0 LD
1 726256  8  Panel frame VT160, three-level LD
1 72675  8  Three-phase terminal unit with RCD LD
1 73256  4  Coupling, 1.0 LD
1 773115 Machine base bench, 120 cm LD
1 773258  4  Coupling / shaft end guard, 1.0, transparent LD
1 524222 * CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems LD
1 PC with Windows 7/8/10/11 and one free LAN port (RJ45)
1 778113 LIT-digital: Electrical power engineering LD
1 775380DE LIT-print: Generator-Fed Transmission system with RLC-Load, German LD
1 775380EN LIT-print: Generator-Fed Transmission system with RLC-Load LD
Connection leads and plugs
2 50059  8  Safety bridging plugs, black, set of 10 LD
1 500594 4 mm branching bridging plug, blue, set of 10 LD
5 500602  4  Safety experiment cable, 10 cm, blue LD
4 500621  4  Safety experiment cable, 50 cm, red LD
6 500622  4  Safety experiment cable, 50 cm, blue LD
3 500624  4  Safety experiment cable, 50 cm, black LD
4 500627  8  Safety Connection Lead 50 cm brown LD
3 5006281  4  Safety lead 50 cm grey LD
3 500640  4  Safety connecting lead, 100 cm, yellow/green LD
1 500641  8  Safety experiment cable, 100 cm, red LD
4 500642  4  Safety experiment cable, 100 cm, blue LD
8 500644  8  Safety experiment cable, 100 cm, black LD
1 500647  4  Safety connection lead 100 cm brown LD
5 5006481  4  Safety connection lead 100 cm grey LD

Articles marked with * are not essential, we do however recommend them to carry out the experiment.

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