Glass unit for electrolysis cell

LD 6644321
Glass unit for electrolysis cell

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Compact version of the glass vessel for Hofmann's water decomposition apparatus. The apparatus is filled via the centre leg and the associated storage vessel 6644322. For use with 8 mm rod electrodes. These are held in place in the apparatus using the GL screw collars and seals included in the scope of delivery. The embossed ml scale makes it possible to read off the volume of gas formed during electrolysis. The gases can be easily removed via the two ground-glass stopcocks.

Technical data

  • Dimensions (WXTXH):125 mm x 65 mm x 205 mm

Scope of delivery

  • Glass part with 3 GL 18 threads and 2 ground-glass stopcocks
  • 3 screw caps with GL 18 hole
  • 1 GL18 seal, d = 16 mm, hole = 10 mm
  • 2 seals GL18, d = 16 mm, hole 8 mm
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