Helmholtz coils with holder and measuring device for fine beam tube

LD 555 581
Helmholtz coils with holder and measuring device for fine beam tube
  8  Helmholtz coils with holder and measuring device for fine beam tube

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Helmholtz coils suitable for use with the with the fine beam tube (555 571) for generation of a uniform magnetic field. The holder maintains the fine beam tube and the coils in a well-defined position and provides the electrical connections to the tube. Internal wiring with sockets for connecting the coils and a multi-core cable for connecting to the tube stand. Measuring equipment for parallax-free measurement of the diameter of the electron path.

Technical data

  • Helmholtz coils:
    n = 130 each
    d = 30 cm
    R = 2 Ω approx. each coil
    Current: 2 A
    Coil connections: two 4-mm plugs (each)
  • Stand connections:
    ten 4-mm safety sockets (input)
    four 4-mm sockets (coil output)
    one multi-way cable with 6-pole coupling (tube output)
  • Total dimensions: 26 cm x 42 cm x 40 cm
  • Total weight: 2 kg approx.
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