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[300 76] Laborboy 16 cm x 13 cm
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P1.3.6.1 Point-by-point recording of the projection parabola as a function of the speed and angle of projection
PDF (Description from CASSY Lab) |
P1.4.1.2 Path-time diagrams of rotational motions - Recording and evaluating with CASSY
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P1.8.4.1 Measuring the surface tension using the "break-away" method
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P1.8.4.2 Measuring the surface tension using the "break-away" method - Recording and evaluating with CASSY
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C1.1.2.2 Melting and solidification curve of tin (de)
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C1.2.2.1 Synthesis of magnesium oxide
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C1.2.3.1p Analysis of copper(I) oxide and copper(II) oxide
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C1.3.2.1 Qualitative water synthesis
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C1.4.1.1 Determination of the oxygen content of air
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C1.4.2.1 Production of gases with a Kipps apparatus
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C2.2.2.1 Oxidation of propanol
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C2.3.2.3 Catalytic cracking
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C2.3.3.1 Boiling range distribution of petrol
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C2.3.3.2 Boiling range distribution and fractionated distillation of petroleum
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C2.4.2.1 Soxhlet extraction from leaves
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C2.4.3.1 Distillation of red wine
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C2.4.3.3 Purification of a substance with water vapour distillation
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C3.2.1.2 Gas chromatographical separation of alcohols - effect of temperature, CPS version
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C3.5.2.1 Conductometric titration of a hydrochloric acid solution, CPS variety
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C5.1.1.1 Production of sulfuric acid by the contact method
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C5.1.1.2 Synthesis of ammonia by the Haber-Bosch process
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C5.3.1.2 Catalytic purification of automobile exhaust gases
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D1.5.3.1b Propagation of sound in the form of pressure fluctuations Recording using Sensor-CASSY
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D2.3.3.2 Emission of heat - Leslies cube
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D3.9.4.2b Photoelectric emission - Electrometer amplifier