MP: Mitosis und Meiosis Set I

LD JLI5150
MP: Mitosis und Meiosis Set I
MP: Mitosis und Meiosis Set I

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6 selected Microscope Slides With depictured accompanying brochure

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JLIAs114d Mitosis, l.s. from Allium root tips showing all stages of plant mitosis carefully stained with iron-hematoxyline after Heidenhain, JLIMa102f Mitotic stages in sec. through red bone marrow of mammal, JLIAm146e Meiotic and mitotic stages in sec. of Salamandra testis. Many meiotic and mitotic stages can be observed, JLIAs5242f Lilium, anther t.s., microspore mother cells showing telophase of first and prophase of second (homeotypic) division, JLIIn245f Giant chromosomes, smear from salivary gland of Chironomus, carefully fixed and stained, JLINe122f Ascaris megalocephala embryology. Sec. of uteri showing maturation stages (meiosis).Polar bodies can be seen
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