Forces, simple machines, oscillations - Classic

Forces, simple machines, oscillations - Classic
Forces, simple machines, oscillations - Classic

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Every student has probably sat on a seesaw as a child and was not able to take off because of the difference in weight to the person opposite. In this chapter, the students deal with this topic, among other things, using a beam balance. They also carry out various experiments on the pulley block and the inclined plane. The tripod set-up, which is always the same, makes it possible for the students to become familiar with the equipment in a short time and to concentrate fully on the physical phenomenon.

Components of equipment sets

1 207100S
Science Lab Physics Basic PB (Set) LD
1 207112S
Science Lab Mechanics ME2 (Set) LD
2 57942  4 
Motor with rocker, STE 2/19 LD
1 522621  4 
Function generator S 12 LD
2 500421  4 
Connecting lead 19 A, 50 cm, red LD
2 500422  4 
Connecting lead 19 A, 50 cm, blue LD
2 30121
Stand base MF LD
additionally required per class:
1 520711  4 
** LIT-digital: LP1 Science Lab Mechanics LD
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1 52071  4 
** LIT-digital: LP Science Lab Physics LD
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Articles marked with ** are additionally required.

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