LIT-digital: LP Science Lab Physics

LD 52071
LIT-digital: LP Science Lab Physics
  4  LIT-digital: LP Science Lab Physics

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Comprehensive physics experiment instructions for the Science Lab.

Contains about 460 experiments in the fields of mechanics, energy, electricity and electronics, optics, atomic and nuclear physics and arduino.

Includes all interactive experiment instructions (Lab Docs) as html file.

Lab Docs …

  • can be displayed and filled out on your own tablet/smartphone/laptop.
  • are platform-independent - a current browser is sufficient.
  • can be distributed to students via QR codes.
  • are interactive experiment instructions: The measured values from Mobile-CASSY 2 are automatically made available for evaluation in tables and diagrams and manually entered measured values are automatically added to diagrams.
  • enable the analysis and documentation of the experiment on the student device at school or at home.
  • can be edited and thus adapted to your own lesson plan.

With teacher's and student's section

  • Teacher's section: Comprehensive information on the preparation and execution of the experiment as well as sample solutions for the student's section.
  • Student's section: Interactive worksheet with tables, diagrams and analyses, answering questions on tablet/smartphone/laptop, saving and sharing measured values and students' responses

Digital literature: Printed versions are available separately.

Technical data

  • Product key for German or English literature (activation and selection of the literature language via necessary)
  • Can then be used in LeyLab and Document Center (school license)
  • System requirements:
    Document Center:
    - PC with Windows 7 or higher
    - Internet access during installation
    - Local network for distribution to students
    - PC, tablet or smartphone with a current browser
    - internet access
Print page

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