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[441 53] Screen, translucent
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P5.1.2.1 Determining the focal lengths at collecting and dispersing lenses using collimated light
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P5.1.2.3 Determining the focal lengths at collecting lenses using Bessels method
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P5.1.2.4 Verifying the imaging laws with a collecting lens
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P5.1.3.1 Spherical aberration in lens imaging
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P5.1.3.2 Astigmatism and curvature of image field in lens imaging
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P5.1.3.3 Lens imaging distortions (barrel and cushion) and coma
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P5.1.3.4 Chromatic aberration in lens imaging
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P5.1.4.1 Magnifier and microscope
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P5.3.1.1 Diffraction at a slit, at a post and at a circular iris diaphragm
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P5.3.1.2 Diffraction at a double slit and multiple slits
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P5.3.1.3 Diffraction at one- and two-dimensional gratings
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P5.3.2.1 Interference at a Fresnel's mirror with an He-Ne laser
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P5.3.2.2 Lloyds mirror experiment with an He-Ne laser
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P5.3.2.3 Interference at Fresnels biprism with an He-Ne laser
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P5.3.3.1 Newton's Rings in transmitted monochromatic light
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P5.3.4.1 Setting up a Michelson interferometer on the laser optics base plate
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P5.3.4.2 Determining the wavelength of the light of an He-Ne laser using a Michelson interferometer
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P5.3.4.3 Determining the wavelength of the light of an He-Ne laser using a Michelson interferometer - Set-up on the optical bench
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P5.3.4.4 Determination of the coherence time and the line width of spectral lines with the Michelson interferometer
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P5.3.4.5 Investigation of the pressure induced line broadening using a Michelson interferometer
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P5.3.4.6 Determination of the line splitting of two spectral lines using a Michelson interferometer
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P5.3.5.1 Setting up a Mach-Zehnder interferometer on the laser optics base plate
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P5.3.5.2 Measuring the refractive index of air with a Mach-Zehnder interferometer
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P5.4.2.1 Birefringence and polarization with calcareous spar
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P5.4.2.2 Quarter-wavelength and half-wavelength plate
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P5.4.2.3 Photoelasticity: Investigating the distribution of strains in mechanically stressed bodies
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P5.4.3.1 Rotation of the plane of polarization with qua
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P5.4.3.2 Rotation of the plane of polarization with sugar solutions
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P5.4.3.3 Building a half-shadow polarimeter with discrete elements
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P5.4.4.1 Investigating the Kerr effect in nitrobenzene
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P5.4.5.1 Demonstrating the Pockels effect in a conoscopic beam path
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P5.4.6.1 Faraday effect: determining Verdets constant for flint glass as a function of the wavelength
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P6.1.5.2 Optical analogy to electron diffraction at a polycrystalline lattice
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P6.2.1.1 Determining the wavelengths Ha, Hß and H? from the Balmer series of hydrogen
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P6.2.2.2 Qualitative investigation of the absorption spectrum of sodium
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P6.6.1.1 Quantum eraser
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C3.3.1.1 Absorption spectra of pigments on a screen
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D3.4.6.4a Electrical power and the luminance of light bulbs (de)
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D5.1.2.3 How an image is formed by a pinhole camera (de)
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D5.1.3.1a Transparency and opacity of various solid bodies (de)
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D5.4.2.1 Real images from a convex mirror
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D5.4.3.1 Real images from a convex lens (de)
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D5.4.3.2 Virtual images from a convex lens (de)
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D5.4.3.4 Verification of laws applying to formation of images (de)
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D5.4.3.5 Verification of lens equation (de)
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D5.4.3.6 Determining the focal point of a convex lens (de)
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D5.5.1.1 Magnification by a magnifying glass (de)
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D5.5.2.1 Design of microscopes and how they form images (de)
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D5.5.3.1 Design of telescopes and how they form images (de)
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D5.5.6.1a Image formation and accommodation of the eye - Structure of the eye with lens model and translucent screen
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D5.5.6.2a Long-sightedness - Structure of the eye with lens model and translucent screen
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D5.5.6.3a Short-sightedness - Structure of the eye with lens model and translucent screen
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D5.5.6.4a Presbyopia Structure of the eye with lens model and translucent screen
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D5.6.1.2a Dispersion of light into colours upon passage through a prism
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D5.6.1.4a Infrared radiation in the continuous spectrum - Set-up with a zinc sulphide screen
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D5.6.1.4b Infrared radiation in the continuous spectrum - Set-up with IR-sensor (de)
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D5.6.1.6a Ultraviolet radiation in the continuous spectrum -Set-up with an ultraviolet phosphorescent screen
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D5.6.2.2a Additive colour mixing - Three-colour lamp
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D5.6.2.3a Additive colour mixing - Complementary colours - Three-colour lamp