Franck-Hertz experiment with mercury - Recording and evaluation with CASSY

Franck-Hertz experiment with mercury - Recording and evaluation with CASSY
Franck-Hertz experiment with mercury - Recording and evaluation with CASSY

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This experiment is offered in two variations, experiments P6.2.4.1 and P6.2.4.2, which differ only in the means of recording and evaluating the measurement data. The mercury atoms are enclosed in a tetrode with cathode, grid-type control electrode, acceleration grid and target electrode. The control grid ensures a virtually constant emission current of the cathode. An opposing voltage is applied between the acceleration grid and the target electrode. When the acceleration voltage U between the cathode and the acceleration grid is increased, the target current I corresponds closely to the tube characteristic once it rises above the opposing voltage. As soon as the electrons acquire sufficient kinetic energy to excite the mercury atoms through inelastic collisions, the electrons can no longer reach the target, and the target current drops. At this acceleration voltage, the excitation zone is directly in front of the excitation grid. When the acceleration voltage is increased further, the excitation zone moves toward the cathode, the electrons can again accumulate energy on their way to the grid and the target current again increases. Finally, the electrons can excite the mercury atoms once more, the target current drops again, and so forth. The I(U) characteristic thus demonstrates periodic variations, whereby the distance between the minima ΔU = 4.9 V corresponds to the excitation energy of the mercury atoms from the ground state 1S0 to the first 3P1 state.

Components of equipment sets

1 555854 Hg Franck-Hertz tube LD
1 555864  8  Socket for Hg Franck-Hertz tube, with DIN connector LD
1 55581  8  Electric oven for tubes, 230 V LD
1 5558801 Franck-Hertz supply unit LD
1 666193  4  Temperature probe, NiCr-Ni, 1.5 mm LD
1 524013  8  Sensor-CASSY 2 LD
1 524220  4  CASSY Lab 2 LD
2 500441  4  Connecting lead 19 A, 100 cm, red LD
2 500442  4  Connecting lead 19 A, 100 cm, blue LD
1 additionally required:
PC with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (x86 or x64)

Experiment Instructions

PDF (Description from CASSY Lab) PDF (Description from CASSY Lab) P6.2.4.2 Franck-Hertz experiment with mercury - Recording and evaluation with CASSY
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