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[562 11] U-core with yoke
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P2.6.2.2 Determining the efficiency of the hot-air engine as a heat engine
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P2.6.2.4 pV diagram of the hot-air engine as a heat engine - Recording and evaluating with CASSY
PDF (Description from CASSY Lab) |
P2.6.2.4 pV diagram of the hot-air engine as a heat engine - Recording and evaluating with CASSY
PDF (Description from CASSY Lab) |
P3.3.3.2 Measuring the force acting on current-carrying conductors in a homogeneous magnetic field - Recording with CASSY
PDF (Description from CASSY Lab) |
P3.4.5.4 Power transmission of a transformer
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P3.6.6.5 Determining the active and reactive power in AC circuits
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P5.4.6.1 Faraday effect: determining Verdets constant for flint glass as a function of the wavelength
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P6.1.6.1 Observing individual lycopod spores in a Paul trap
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P6.2.7.3 Observing the normal Zeeman effect in transverse and longitudinal configuration - spectroscopy using a Fabry-Perot etalon
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P6.2.7.4 Measuring the Zeeman splitting of the red cadmium line as a function of the magnetic field - spectroscopy using a Fabry-Perot etalon
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P6.5.3.1 Nuclear magnetic resonance in polystyrene, glycerin and Teflon
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P6.5.7.1 Deflection of beta radiation in a magnetic field
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P7.2.1.1 Investigating the Hall effect in silver
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P7.2.1.2 Investigating the anomalous Hall effect in tungsten
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P7.2.1.3 Determining the density and mobility of charge carriers in n-Germanium
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P7.2.1.4 Determining the density and mobility of charge carriers in p-Germanium
PDF (Description from CASSY Lab) |
P7.3.2.1 Recording the initial magnetization curve and the hysteresis curve of a ferromagnet and iron
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C3.4.3.1 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) on water, polystyrene, glycerine and Teflon
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D3.5.6.2 Model of a high-voltage transformer
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D3.5.6.4a Model of a high-current transformer - Melting a nail
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D3.5.6.4c Model of a high-current transformer - Induction furnace