Determining Planck’s constant - Selection of wavelengths using interference filters on the optical bench

Determining Planck’s constant - Selection of wavelengths using interference filters on the optical bench
Determining Planck’s constant - Selection of wavelengths using interference filters on the optical bench

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In the experiment P6.1.4.3, the capacitor method is used to generate the opposing voltage U between the cathode and the anode of the photocell. A capacitor is connected between the cathode and the anode of the photocell which is charged by the anode current, thus generating the opposing voltage U. As soon as the opposing voltage reaches the value –U0, the anode current is zero and the charging of the capacitor is finished. U0 is measured without applying a current by means of an electrometer amplifier.
Note: The opposing voltage U can alternatively be tapped from a DC voltage source. The I-measuring amplifier D is recommended for sensitive measurements of the anode current (see P6.1.4.4).

Components of equipment sets

1 55877 Photocell for determining Planck's constant LD
1 558791  4  Holder for photocell LD
1 460317  8  Optical bench, S1 profile, 0.5 m LD
1 460311  4  Clamp rider with clamp 45/65 LD
4 4603112  8  Clamp rider with clamp 75/65 LD
1 46841  8  Holder for interference filters LD
1 468401  4  Interference filter, 578 nm LD
1 468402  4  Interference filter, 546 nm LD
1 468403  8  Interference filter, 436 nm LD
1 468406  4  Interference filter, 365 nm LD
1 46003  4  Lens in frame, f=100 mm LD
1 46026  8  Iris diaphragm LD
1 45115  4  High pressure mercury lamp LD
1 451195  4  Power supply unit for high-pressure mercury lamp LD
1 53214  8  Electrometer amplifier LD
1 562791  4  Power supply unit (mains adaptor), 12 V AC LD
1 57822  8  Capacitor, 100 pF, bipol., STE 2/19 LD
1 57910  4  Pushbutton (NO), STE 2/19 LD
2 590011  8  Clamping plug LD
1 531120 Multimeter LDanalog 20 LD
1 50110  4  BNC adapter, straight LD
1 50109  4  BNC/4-mm plug adapter, single-pole LD
1 34089  4  Coupling plug 4 mm LD
1 50204  4  Distribution box with earthing socket LD
1 500421  4  Connecting lead 19 A, 50 cm, red LD
1 500422  4  Connecting lead 19 A, 50 cm, blue LD
2 500440  4  Connecting lead, 19 A, 100 cm, yellow/green LD
1 468404  8  * Interference filter, 405 nm LD

Articles marked with * are not essential, we do however recommend them to carry out the experiment.

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