Nuclear magnetic resonance in polystyrene, glycerin and Teflon

Nuclear magnetic resonance in polystyrene, glycerin and Teflon
Nuclear magnetic resonance in polystyrene, glycerin and Teflon Diagram of resonance condition of hydrogen (P6.5.3.1)
Nuclear magnetic resonance in polystyrene, glycerin and Teflon YT Display on the oscilloscope (P6.5.3.1)
Nuclear magnetic resonance in polystyrene, glycerin and Teflon

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The experiment P6.5.3.1 verifies nuclear magnetic resonance in polystyrene, glycerine and Teflon. The evaluation focuses on the position, width and intensity of the resonance lines.

Additionally, the relaxation time of the spin system can be observed by a beat frequency mesurement.

Components of equipment sets

1 514602  4  NMR supply unit LD
1 514606  8  NMR probe LD
1 56211  4  U-core with yoke LD
2 562131  8  Coil, 480 turns, 10 A LD
1 521546  4  DC Power Supply 0...16 V/0...5 A LD
1 5753041 Digital storage oscilloscope 70 MHz LD
2 50102  8  BNC cable, 1 m LD
1 500622  4  Safety experiment cable, 50 cm, blue LD
1 500641  8  Safety experiment cable, 100 cm, red LD
1 500642  4  Safety experiment cable, 100 cm, blue LD
1 524005W2 * Mobile-CASSY 2 WiFi LD
1 5240381  4  * Combi B sensor S LD
1 50111  4  * Extension cable, 15 pin LD

Articles marked with * are not essential, we do however recommend them to carry out the experiment.

Experiment Instructions

PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) P6.5.3.1 Nuclear magnetic resonance in polystyrene, glycerin and Teflon
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