Determining inductive reactance with a Maxwell measuring bridge

Determining inductive reactance with a Maxwell measuring bridge
Determining inductive reactance with a Maxwell measuring bridge Schematic circuit diagram: Wien measuring bridge (left) - Maxwell measuring bridge (right) (P3.6.4.1-4)
Determining inductive reactance with a Maxwell measuring bridge

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In the experiment P3.6.4.2, a Maxwell measuring bridge is assembled to determine the inductive reactance Z1. As the resistive component of Z1 is also to be compensated, this circuit is somewhat more complicated. Here, Z2 is a variable ohmic resistance, Z3 is a fixed ohmic resistance and Z4 is a parallel connection consisting of a capacitive reactance and a variable ohmic resistor. For the purely inductive component, the following applies with respect to zero compensation:

Components of equipment sets

2 57681  4  Plug-in board safety socket, 20/10 LD
1 57732  4  Resistor 100 Ohm, STE 2/19 LD
2 57793  4  Potentiometer, 1 kΩ, 10-turn, STE 4/50 LD
1 57816  4  Capacitor, 4.7 µF, bipol., STE 2/19 LD
1 59083  4  Coil 500 turns STE 2/50 LD
1 59084  8  Coil 1000 turns STE 2/50 LD
1 575302 Oscilloscope 30 MHz, digital, PT1265 LD
1 57524  4  Screened cable, BNC/4 mm Plug LD
1 522621  4  Function generator S 12 LD
1 50148  4  Bridging plugs STE 2/19, set of 10 LD
1 500621  4  Safety experiment cable, 50 cm, red LD
1 500622  4  Safety experiment cable, 50 cm, blue LD

Experiment Instructions

PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) P3.6.4.2 Determining inductive reactance with a Maxwell measuring bridge
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