Frequency doubling, 1064 nm -> 532 nm

Frequency doubling, 1064 nm -> 532 nm
Frequency doubling, 1064 nm -> 532 nm

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Experiment P5.8.6.3 enhances the basic set-up of the diode pumped Nd:YAG laser (P5.8.6.2) by a KTP crystal module placed into the laser cavity leading to a frequency doubled green (532 nm) visible output. By adding the optional adjustable iris the transverse mode structure can be controlled for various TEM structures down to TEM00.

Components of equipment sets

1 474 1032  8  Collimating optics on carrier, aspherical LD
1 474 104  8  Focussing Optics, f = 60 mm LD
1 474 109 KTP Crystal with Adjustment Holder, green LD
1 474 5310  8  Crystal in holder Nd:YAG 1064 nm LD
1 474 5311  4  Laser mirror in holder SHG 100 LD
1 474 113  8  Laser Mirror Adjustment Holder, left LD
1 474 114  8  Laser Mirror Adjustment Holder, right LD
1 474 5453 Crossed Hair Target in C25 mount LD
1 474 107  8  Filter Plate Holder LD
1 468 74 Filter infrared LD
1 468 77  4  Light filter green LD
1 474 4025  4  IR converter screen  800 - 1400 nm LD
1 474 3061 Photodetector signal conditioning box LD
1 474 108 SiPIN photodetector LD
1 474 5464  8  Oscilloscope, Dual Channel, Digital LD
2 501 06  4  HF-Cable, BNC-BNC, 1.5 m LD
1 474 3021 Controller for Diode Laser LD
1 474 102  8  Diode Laser Head with Adjustment Holder LD
1 474 5442  4  Profile rail 500 mm LD
1 474 122 Optics cleaning set LD
1 671 9700  4  Ethanol, absolute, 250 ml LD
GHS02GHS07 Danger H225 H319
1 474 251  8  Transport and Storage Box #01 LD
1 474 7106  4  LIT-print: DPSSL LD
1 474 137 * Spatial filter with adjustable iris LD
2 474 6111 * Laser safety goggles 808 and 1064nm LD

Articles marked with * are not essential, we do however recommend them to carry out the experiment.

Experiment Instructions

PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) P5.8.6.3 Frequency doubling, 1064 nm ? 532 nm
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