Digital multimeter 3340

LD 531183
Digital multimeter 3340
Digital multimeter 3340
  8  Digital multimeter 3340

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  • Safety compatibility: EN61010-1, CAT III 600 V
  • 39 mm, 3¾-digit LCD display, highest result: 4000, backlit
  • Automatic cut-off, automatic range selection
  • HOLD function, relative value measuring function
  • Continuity and diode test
  • Accessories: test leads, type-K thermocouple and temperature adapter, battery, instructions in English and German

Technical data

  • DC voltage ranges: 400 mV, 4/40/400/600 V
  • AC voltage ranges: 4/40/400/600 V
  • DC current ranges: 400 µA, 4/40/400 mA, 4/10 A
  • AC current ranges: 400 µA, 4/40/400 mA, 4/10 A
  • Resistance ranges: 400 Ω, 4/40/400 kΩ, 4/40 MΩ
  • Capacitance ranges: 40/400 nF, 4/40/100 µF
  • Frequency ranges: 5/50/500 Hz, 5/50/500 kHz, 5 MHz
  • Temperature: -20 ... 760 °C
  • Dimensions (BxHxT): 92 mm x 195 mm x 38 mm
  • Operating voltage: 9-V battery (685 45)
  • Weight: 380 g (including battery)
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