Investigating the spectrum of a xenon lamp with a holographic grating

Investigating the spectrum of a xenon lamp with a holographic grating
Investigating the spectrum of a xenon lamp with a holographic grating

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In the experiment P5.7.2.5 the spectrum of a xenon lamp is investigated. The diffraction pattern behind the holographic grating is recorded by varying the position of a screen or a photocell. The corresponding diffraction angle is read of the circular scale of the rail connector or measured by a rotary motion sensor. It is revealed that the spectrum of the lamp which appears white to the eye consists of a variety of different spectral lines.

Components of equipment sets

1 45080  8  Xenon lamp LD
1 45083  8  Power supply unit for xenon lamp LD
1 46002  4  Lens in frame, f=50 mm LD
1 46008  8  Lens in frame, f=150 mm LD
1 46009  8  Lens in frame, f=300 mm LD
1 46014  8  Adjustable slit LD
1 46021  4  Holder for plug-in elements LD
1 46022  4  Holder with spring clips LD
1 47127  4  Holographic grating in frame LD
1 441531  8  Screen LD
1 46162  4  Set of 2 slit diaphragms LD
1 57862  4  Solar cell, STE 2/19 LD
1 524013  8  Sensor-CASSY 2 LD
1 524220  4  CASSY Lab 2 LD
1 524082  8  Rotary motion sensor S LD
1 460335  8  Optical bench with standardised profile, 0.5 m LD
1 46032  8  Optical bench with standardised profile, 1 m LD
1 460341 Swivel joint with circular scale LD
6 460374  8  Optics rider, 90/50 LD
1 460382 Tilting rider, 90/50 LD
1 50125  4  Connecting lead, 32 A, 50 cm, red LD
1 50126  4  Connecting lead, 32 A, 50 cm, blue LD
1 500441  4  Connecting lead 19 A, 100 cm, red LD
1 500442  4  Connecting lead 19 A, 100 cm, blue LD
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