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  4  CASSY Lab 2

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Advanced development of the successful CASSY Lab software for recording and evaluating measurement data acquired using the CASSY family, with comprehensive integrated help functionality and many operable experiment examples.
Including measurement server for the distribution of live measurements, table and diagram as well as measurement files on tablets or smartphones.

  • School license for use on any number of PCs in a school or institute
  • Supports up to 8 Sensor-CASSY modules 2, Sensor-CASSY modules and Power-CASSY modules via a USB-port or a serial port
  • Supports Pocket-CASSY modules and Mobile-CASSY modules at different USB-ports
  • Supports joule and wattmeter and Universal Measuring Instruments for physics, chemistry and biology
  • Supports all CASSY sensor boxes
  • Additionally supports numerous devices via the serial interface (e.g. VideoCom, IRPD, balance)
  • "Plug and play" enabled for easy use: the software automatically detects the connected CASSY modules and sensor boxes and displays these graphically, inputs and outputs are activated simply by pointing and clicking and typical experiment parameters are automatically loaded (depending on the connected sensor box)
  • Measurement data can be displayed in the form of analog/digital instruments, tables and/or graphs (also simultaneously, with user-definable axis assignment)
  • Measured values can be recorded manually (at a key stroke) or automatically (choice of time interval, measured time, lead time, trigger or additional measurement condition)
  • Powerful evaluation functions including various fits (straight line, parabola, hyperbola, exponential function, free fitting), integrals, diagram labelling, calculation of user-definable formulas, differentiation, integration, Fourier transforms
  • Connection to the integrated measurement server in the local network via QR code
  • Experiment files in XML data format (can also import experiment files which are prepared with CASSY Lab 1)
  • Convenient exporting of measurement data and diagrams via the clipboard
  • Complete with more than 150 experiment examples from physics, chemistry and biology with detailed descriptions
  • Graphical display of CASSY, sensor box and connector allocation when the experiment file is loaded
  • Free updates and demo version available from our internet homepage
  • PC Requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 (32+64 bits), alternatively Linux or Mac OS (up to version 10.14) with Wine, free USB port (USB apparatus) or free serial port, local network (for measurement server), supports multicore processor

Scope of delivery

Product key (activation and download via LeyLab necessary)

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PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C4.1.2.2 Determination of the reaction order of the reaction of malachite green with hydroxide ions
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C4.1.3.1 Reaction of malachite green with hydroxide ions
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C4.1.3.3 Concentration and reaction rate: Magnesium in strong and weak acids
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C4.3.3.1 Determination of the heat of combustion of benzoic acid
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C4.3.3.3 Determination of the enthalpy of neutralisation of acids and alkali solutions
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C4.3.3.4 Determination of enthalpy of mixing
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C4.4.1.4 Electrolytic dissociation: Dependence of conductivity on electrolyte concentration
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C4.4.5.1s Electrolytic polarisation using stand material
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C4.4.7.1 Investigation of a PEM fuel cell stack
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C4.4.7.2 Recording the characteristic curves of a PEM fuel cell stack
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C5.3.2.1 Greenhouse effect
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C5.3.2.2 Ozone hole problem
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C5.3.3.1 Recording a breakthrough curve of activated carbon filters
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C6.1.2.1 Enzymatics: Splitting urea with urease
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C6.1.2.2 Michealis-Menten kinetics using the enzyme urease
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C6.1.4.1 Determination of the calorific value of olive oil with a demonstration calorimeter
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C6.2.1.1 Yeast fermentation - Test of oxygen consumption
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) B1.1.2.1 Determination of the reaction time
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) B1.1.2.2 Determination of nerve conduction velocity
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) B1.1.2.3 Dependence of the reaction time on the type of the stimulus
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) B1.1.2.6 Determination of the frequency-dependent hearing threshold and the hearing threshold
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) D1.4.1.2a Recording the oscillation of a string pendulum – Recording using Sensor-CASSY
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PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) D3.4.6.4a Electrical power and the luminance of light bulbs (de)
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) D3.6.2.1b Stationary armature generator - Measurement via Sensor-CASSY
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) D3.6.2.4b Rotating armature generators for generating alternating voltage - Measurement via Sensor-CASSY
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) D3.6.2.5a Rotating armature generators for generating DC voltage - Measurement via Sensor-CASSY


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