Laue diagrams: investigating the lattice structure of monocrystals

Laue diagrams: investigating the lattice structure of monocrystals
Laue diagrams: investigating the lattice structure of monocrystals Laue diagram of LiF (P7.1.2.2)
Laue diagrams: investigating the lattice structure of monocrystals

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Laue diagrams from NaCl and LiF monocrystals are created in the experiment P7.1.2.2 using  the bremsstrahlung of the X-ray apparatus as "white" X-radiation. The positions of the "multicolored" reflections on an X-ray film behind the crystal and their intensities can be used to determine the crystal structure and the lengths of the crystal axes through application of the Laue condition.

Components of equipment sets

1 554800 X-ray apparatus LD
1 554861  8  X-ray tube, Mo LD
1 554838 Film holder, X-ray LD
1 554895  8  X-ray film LD
1 55487  8  LiF crystal for Laue diagrams LD
1 55488  4  NaCl crystal for Laue diagrams LD
Alternative X-ray film:
(not included in the total price)
1 5548961 Dental film DF50 5.7x7.6cm LD
1 5548972 Developer and fixer for X-ray film, 1 l LD
GHS05GHS07GHS08GHS09 Danger H318 H317 H341 H351 H400
1 5548931 Changing bag with developer tank LD

Experiment Instructions

PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) P7.1.2.2 Laue diagrams: investigating the lattice structure of monocrystals
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