Power Factor Meter

LD 72712SA
Power Factor Meter
Power Factor Meter


Demonstration meter for power factor
(cos phi) and phase-angle
Measurement range:
Power factor: 0...1...0
Phase angle: -90°(cap.)- 0 - +90°(ind.)
Voltage range: 3...1000 V,
Ri = 1 MOhm
Current range: 0.1...30 A,
Ri = 10 mOhm
Frequency range: 20 Hz... 2 kHz
No voltage range/current range switching
Instrument: moving coil, class 2.5
192 x 96 mm (W x H)
Scale length: 119 MM
Continuous overload protection in all
measurement ranges up to 1000 V and 30 A
Mains supply: 230 V, 60 Hz
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