Science Kit Water decomposition

LD 2062301
Science Kit Water decomposition
Science Kit Water decomposition

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This experiment/set up contains dangerous goods.
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Scope of delivery

1 500421  4  Connecting lead 19 A, 50 cm, red LD
1 500422  4  Connecting lead 19 A, 50 cm, blue LD
2 6020021  4  Test tube DURAN 16 x 160 mm LD
1 610010  8  Laboratory safety goggles LD
1 661083  4  Wooden turnings, 10 pieces LD
1 664130  4  Beaker, Boro 3.3, 250 ml, squat LD
1 6643691 Rod electrode platinum sheet LD
1 6644321 Glass unit for electrolysis cell LD
1 6644322 Storage vessel of electr. cell LD
1 6644331 Rod electrode graphite LD
1 666555  4  Universal clamp 0...80 mm LD
1 667031  4  Test tube holder 20 mm Ø LD
1 667058 Test tube rack metal, 18 mm Ø LD

Additionally required

1 30109  4  Bosshead S LD
1 521543 Low voltage power supply DC 15 V, 3 A LD
1 6610821 Stopcock grease LD
1 666502 Retort stand, 450 mm high LD
1 666734 Matches LD
1 6747950  4  Sulfuric acid, 0.5 mol/l, 1l LD
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