The experiments are set up with experimental panels in the profile frame. The controlled system or control loop is controlled with the Profi-CASSY and the measured values of interest are recorded.
Learning objectives
- Recognising basic control principles
- Management and fault control
- Handling Analysis and Simulation Software
The airflow section consists of a sensor for measuring the flow and a controllable wind generator. The wind generator is controlled directly, e.g. by the PID controller. An external power amplifier is not required. The air flow in the measuring tube is measured with an impeller anemometer. The cover of the air tube acts on the controlled system as an external disturbance variable.
The equipment is equally suitable for demonstrations and student experiments. Experimental procedures are carried out using an electronic manual and the measurement files for CASSY Lab 2 and WinFACT. Plug & Play applies: the experiments start automatically after the measurement file is called up.
Target groups
Vocational training in electrical engineering in trade and industry and students specialising in automation technology and mechatronics. The course offers both introductory courses at a basic level as well as challenging topics for bachelor's programmes.
- Measurement of the air flow
- Step responses of the controlled system
- Analysis of the step response with the fitting function
- Determination of the distance parameters of a PT2 element
- Computer-based route identification
- Empirical optimisation for the airflow path
- Two-point control for the airflow path
- ZN optimisation for the airflow path
- ZN optimisation for the airflow section with PT2 pre-filter
- CHR optimisation for the airflow section with PT2 pre-filter
- Air flow control with software controller
- Control of the air flow - simulation