The experiments are set up with experimental panels in the profile frame. The controlled system or control loop is controlled with the Profi-CASSY and the measured values of interest are recorded.
Learning objectives
- Recognising basic control principles
- Management and fault control
- Handling Analysis and Simulation Software
The equipment allows experiments at different levels: from the basics to university level. Transfer elements in the time domain and the behaviour of the control loops formed from them are investigated. Digital adjusters for the controller parameters and system time constants allow simple, intuitive operation of the devices with high accuracy. This enables fast, reproducible and targeted experimentation. Continuous and discontinuous versions are available as controllers. The professional CASSY interface ideally supports the use of graphical evaluation methods (e.g. according to the tangent method) and enables experiments with modern interface controls as well as computer-aided control technology. For in-depth experimentation and simulation, the use of WinFACT software is also recommended.
The equipment includes student experiments in the laboratory with non-hazardous low voltage. Experimental procedures are carried out using a manual in printed or electronic form.
Target groups
Vocational training in electrical engineering in trade and industry and students specialising in automation technology and mechatronics. The course offers both introductory courses at a basic level as well as challenging topics for bachelor's programmes.
The following equipment is recommended for in-depth study:
- E6.3.4.2 Digital control
- E6.3.4.3 Fuzzy control
- Leadership and disruptive behaviour
- Recording and Analysis of step responses
- Output variables of a timing chain
- Time behaviour of transfer elements
- 2nd order transfer element
- Behaviour of the dead time element
- Time behaviour of controllers
- Control of a section with start-up time and dead time
- Two-point control
- Quasi-continuous control
- Control of an integral route
- P/PI control of a 1st order section (pneumatics)
- Integral control of a 1st order system (hydraulics)
- Control of a 2nd order system (speed)
- Leadership and disruptive behaviour
- Recording and Analysis of step responses
- Output variables of a timing chain
- Time behaviour of transmission elements
- 2nd order transfer element
- Behaviour of the dead time element
- Time behaviour of controllers
- Control of a section with start-up time and dead time
- Two-point control
- Quasi-continuous control
- Control of an integral route
- P/PI control of a 1st order section (pneumatics)
- Integral control of a 1st order system (hydraulics)
- Control of a 2nd order system (speed)