Smart Grid STE with SCADA (WinFact)

Smart Grid STE with SCADA (WinFact)
Smart Grid STE with SCADA (WinFact)

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The increasing share of renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics and wind turbines in power generation in combination with conventional power plants requires a completely new (intelligent or "smart") grid management. The LEYBOLD STE Smart Grid provides demonstrative experiments on this topic:

  • Operation of the conventional power grid.
  • Problems with the integration of renewable energies and the operation of "smart" solutions.

The WinFACT software combined with a CASSY measurement interface provides a SCADA environment.

Learning content

With this experimental kit „ Smart Grid STE with SCADA (WinFact)“, trainees are able to cover relevant educational content in specific experiments, such as:

  • The output power of PV and wind power sytems in the course of a day.
  • A HV transmission line with different loads.
  • Simulation of an off-grid system with energy storage.
  • Simulation of a simple electrical grid.

Components of equipment sets

1 5800400  4  Experimental case Smart Grid LD
Measuring devices
4 524013  8  Sensor-CASSY 2 LD
1 524005W2 Mobile-CASSY 2 WiFi LD
1 734504 WINFACT LD Edition (one computer) LD
1 734505  4  WINFACT LD Edition (Site Licence) LD
1 524220  4  * CASSY Lab 2 LD
1 778113 LIT-digital: Electrical power engineering LD
1 775177DE LIT-print: Smart Grid STE with SCADA (WinFact), german LD
1 775177EN LIT-print: Smart Grid STE with SCADA (WinFact) LD
10 50125  4  Connecting lead, 32 A, 50 cm, red LD
10 50126  4  Connecting lead, 32 A, 50 cm, blue LD
8 50128  8  Connecting lead, 32 A, 50 cm, black LD
1 72619  4  * Panel frame SL85, single-level LD

Articles marked with * are not essential, we do however recommend them to carry out the experiment.

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