Investigation of the catalase of yeast

Investigation of the catalase of yeast
Investigation of the catalase of yeast

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In this experiment, the catalase activity in yeast is analysed at different temperatures. When the enzyme catalase comes into contact with its substrate, hydrogen peroxide, it begins to break it down into water and oxygen.

The speed of the reaction is measured by the time it takes for the catalase from yeast to convert the available amount of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen. The faster the reaction, the shorter this period.

Components of equipment sets

1 524005W2 Mobile-CASSY 2 WiFi LD
1 667458  8  Oxygen electrode LD
1 5240521  4  Oxygen adapter S LD
1 6668451  4  Magnetic stirrer LD
1 604592  4  Stirring magnet, PTFE, oval, l = 40 mm, 20 mm diam. LD
1 ADAHCB123  4  Compact Balance 120 g : 0.001 g LD
1 664152  8  Watch glass dish 40 mm Ø LD
1 664103  4  Beaker, DURAN, 250 ml, squat LD
1 602101  4  Erlenmeyer flask DURAN, 250 ml, GL 32 LD
2 665997  4  Graduated pipette 10 ml LD
1 666003  4  Pipetting ball (Peleus ball) LD
1 6045682  4  Powder spatula, steel, 185 mm LD
1 6753500  4  Hydrogen peroxide, 30 %, 250 ml LD
GHS05GHS07 Danger H302 H318
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