Quantitative determination of hydrogen in organic comounds

Quantitative determination of hydrogen in organic comounds
Quantitative determination of hydrogen in organic comounds

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In experiment C2.1.1.2, the hydrogen content of an organic compound is determined quantitatively. Here, too, the combustion analysis is carried out, whereby the carbon is converted to CO2 and the hydrogen is converted to H2O. The water content is determined from the difference in the weight of the drying tube, and the share of hydrogen is determined from the water content.

Components of equipment sets

1 664069 Reaction tube, quartz, 220 x 25 mm Ø, for butane combustion LD
2 665374 Drying tube, 1 GL 18 and 1 GL 25, 120 mm x 30 mm diam. LD
2 665914  4  Gas syringe, 100 ml with 3-way stopcock LD
1 656017  4  Teclu burner, universal LD
1 666724  8  Wide-flame attachment LD
1 666729  4  Safety gas hose, 1 m LD
1 666603  4  Base rail, 95 cm LD
4 666609  4  Stand tube, 45 cm, Ø 10 mm LD
4 666615  4  Universal bosshead LD
5 30109  4  Bosshead S LD
4 666555  4  Universal clamp 0...80 mm LD
1 30172  4  Universal clamp, 0...120 mm LD
1 666962  4  Spatula, double ended, 150 mm LD
1 665994  4  Graduated pipette 1 ml LD
1 666003  4  Pipetting ball (Peleus ball) LD
1 667180  4  Rubber tubing Ø 7 mm, t = 1,5 mm, l = 1m LD
1 604481  4  Rubber tubing Ø 4 mm, t = 1,5 mm, l = 1m LD
1 604510  4  Tubing connector, 4...15 mm LD
1 665004  4  Funnel, Boro 3.3, 80 mm diam. LD
1 667034  4  Tweezers, blunt, 200 mm LD
1 6677991 Analytical balance, 220 g : 0.0001 g LD
1 6676051 Safety screen LD
1 660980  4  Fine regulating valve for minican gas canisters LD
1 660989  4  Minican pressurised gas canister, n-Butane LD
GHS02GHS04 Danger H220 H280
1 661000  4  Minican pressurised gas canister, nitrogen LD
GHS04 Warning H280
1 6729410  4  Copper(II) oxide, wire form, 250 g LD
GHS07GHS09 Warning H302 H410
1 6712410  4  Calcium chloride, granulated, 250 g LD
GHS07 Warning H319
1 6744310  4  1-Propanol, 250 ml LD
GHS02GHS05GHS07 Danger H225 H318 H336
1 6721010  4  Glass wool, 100 g LD

Experiment Instructions

PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C2.1.1.2 Quantitative determination of hydrogen in organic comounds
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