Boiling range distribution of petrol

Boiling range distribution of petrol
Boiling range distribution of petrol

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The petrol fraction is subdivided into several subgroups, so-called special petrols. Petrol benzene boils between 40 °C and 70 °C, for example, and regular petrol boils between 65 °C and 90 °C. In experiment C2.3.3.1, a boiling point analysis is carried out on petrol. For this purpose, different petrol fractions are heated in a distillation apparatus in order to determine the boiling range.

Components of equipment sets

1 524005W2 Mobile-CASSY 2 WiFi LD
1 524220  4  CASSY Lab 2 LD
1 529676  4  Temperature probe, NiCr-Ni, 1.5 mm, type K LD
1 665338  4  Distillation bridge after Claisen LD
1 664301  4  Round-bottom flask, 250 ml, ST 19/26 LD
1 667072  4  Support ring for round flask, 250 ml, cork LD
1 665391  4  Joint clip, plastic, ST 19/26 LD
2 604501  4  PVC tubing, 7 mm diam., 1 m LD
2 604460  4  Hose clamp, 8...12 mm LD
1 665754  4  Measuring cylinder 100 ml, with plastic base LD
1 667305 Screw cap, GL 18, with hole LD
1 667295 Silicone gaskets, GL 18/8, set of 10 LD
1 666194  4  Protective sleeves for temperature probe, set of 5 LD
1 6666523  4  Heating Mantle, 250 ml, adjustable LD
1 30076  8  Laborboy 16 cm x 13 cm LD
2 6664659  4  Adhesive magnetic board CPS, 500 mm LD
2 6664662  4  Holder, magnetic, size 2, 11...14 mm LD
2 6664663  4  Holder, magnetic, size 3, 18...22 mm LD
1 666425  4  Panel frame C50, two-level, for CPS LD
1 661091  4  Boiling stones 100 g LD
1 6708200  4  Petroleum ether, 90...110 °C, 250 ml LD
GHS02GHS07GHS08GHS09 Danger H225 H304 H315 H336 H411
1 6708210  4  Petroleum ether, 100...140 °C, 500 ml LD
GHS02GHS08GHS07GHS09 Danger H225 H304 H315 H336 H411
1 6610821 Stopcock grease LD
1 additionally required: PC with Windows 7 or higher with WIFI or USB connection

Experiment Instructions

YouTube-Video YouTube-Video The new chemistry presentation system CPSflex
PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) C2.3.3.1 Boiling range distribution of petrol
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