Photoelectric emission - Electrometer amplifier

Photoelectric emission - Electrometer amplifier
Photoelectric emission - Electrometer amplifier

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Demonstrating the release of electrons from the surface of a zinc electrode irradiated with UV light.

Components of equipment sets

1 546311  8  Zinc and grid electrodes LD
1 53214  8  Electrometer amplifier LD
1 53216  8  Connecting rod LD
1 57702  4  Resistor, 1 GΩ, STE2/19 LD
1 531906 ** Demo Multimeter, passive LD
1 52227  4  ** Power supply, 450 V LD
1 45115  4  High pressure mercury lamp LD
1 451195  4  ** Power supply unit for high-pressure mercury lamp LD
2 500421  4  Connecting lead 19 A, 50 cm, red LD
2 500422  4  Connecting lead 19 A, 50 cm, blue LD
2 500424  8  Connecting lead 19 A, 50 cm, black LD
1 50128  8  Connecting lead, 32 A, 50 cm, black LD
1 30076  8  Laborboy 16 cm x 13 cm LD

Articles marked with ** are additionally required.

Experiment Instructions

PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) D3.9.4.2b Photoelectric emission - Electrometer amplifier
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