Automatic synchronization circuit

Automatic synchronization circuit
Automatic synchronization circuit

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Main components:

Components of equipment sets

1 74501 Synchronization Unit LD
1 74503 Control Voltage Controller LD
1 773307 Synchronous machine VP, 1.0 LD
1 745021  4  Excitation voltage controller 200 V/2.5 A LD
1 74504 * Automatic Synchronizer LD
1 74505  4  Manual synchronisation unit LD
1 745563 Power circuit breaker LD
1 7732901 Machine Test CASSY 1.0 LD
1 7732990 Electrical dynamometer, 1.0 LD
1 565071  4  LIT-print: Power Station Control, German LD
1 565072  4  LIT-print: Power Station Control LD
Measuring instruments, with digital measurement CASSY:
1 727111 Power Analyser CASSY Plus LD
1 524222 * CASSY Lab 2 for Drives and Power Systems LD

Conventional measuring instruments:

alternativ option to CASSY measuring instruments above

1 72711  4  Power meter LD
1 72712  4  Power factor meter LD
1 72731  8  Moving Iron Meter 1 A LD
1 72732  4  Moving iron meter, 2.5 A LD
Power supply:
1 72675  8  Three-phase terminal unit with RCD LD
1 773115 Machine base bench, 120 cm LD
1 773258  4  Coupling / shaft end guard, 1.0, transparent LD
1 31540  8  Weight, 2 kg LD
1 73256  4  Coupling, 1.0 LD
1 726256  8  Panel frame VT160, three-level LD
1 50059  8  Safety bridging plugs, black, set of 10 LD
1 500591  4  Safety bridging plugs, yellow/green, set of 10 LD
1 500592  8  Safety bridging plugs with tap, black, set of 10 LD
1 500851  4  Safety experiment cables, 32 A, set of 32 LD
1 500852  8  Safety connecting leads, 32 A, yellow/green, set of 10 LD
4 500641  8  Safety experiment cable, 100 cm, red LD
4 500642  4  Safety experiment cable, 100 cm, blue LD
2 500647  4  Safety connection lead 100 cm brown LD
2 5006481  4  Safety connection lead 100 cm grey LD
6 500614  4  Safety experiment cable, 25 cm, black LD
6 500624  4  Safety experiment cable, 50 cm, black LD
Additionally recommended:
PC with Windows 7/8/10

Articles marked with * are not essential, we do however recommend them to carry out the experiment.

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