Recording the vapor-pressure curve of water - Pressures up to 1 bar

Recording the vapor-pressure curve of water - Pressures up to 1 bar
Recording the vapor-pressure curve of water - Pressures up to 1 bar

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In the experiment P2.4.2.1, the vapor pressure curve of water below the normal boiling point is recorded with the computer-assisted measuring system CASSY. The water is placed in a glass vessel, which was sealed beforehand while the water was boiling at standard pressure. The vapor pressure p is measured as a function of the temperature T when cooling and subsequently heating the system, respectively.

Components of equipment sets

1 664315  4  Double-necked, round-bottom flask LD
1 665305  4  Adapter LD
1 667186  4  Vacuum rubber tubing, 8 mm diam. LD
1 665255  8  Three-way valve, T-shaped, ST nozzles LD
1 378031  4  Hose nozzle, DN 16 KF LD
1 378045  8  Centering ring DN 16 KF LD
1 378050  8  Clamping ring, DN 10/16 KF LD
1 378701  8  Leybold high-vacuum grease LD
1 524013  8  Sensor-CASSY 2 LD
1 524220  4  CASSY Lab 2 LD
1 524065  8  Absolute pressure sensor S, 0...1500 hPa LD
1 50111  4  Extension cable, 15 pin LD
1 688808  8  Stand rod, 10 x 223 mm, with thread M6 LD
1 524045  4  Temperature box, NiCr-Ni/NTC LD
1 666216  4  Temperature probe, NiCr-Ni, fast LD
1 30002  4  Stand base, V-shaped, small LD
1 30043  8  Stand rod, 75 cm, 12 mm diam. LD
1 666555  4  Universal clamp 0...80 mm LD
3 30101  4  Leybold multiclamp LD
1 666573  4  Stand ring with stem 100 mm Ø LD
1 666685  4  Wire gauze 160 mm x 160 mm LD
1 666719 Tecluburner for cartridge LD
1 666715  8  Cartridge with safety valve LD
GHS02 Warning H220
1 667614  4  Heat protective gloves LD
1 additionally required:
PC with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (x86 or x64)
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