Diffraction at a double slit and multiple slits

Diffraction at a double slit and multiple slits Interference pattern of experiment P5.3.1.2 on the screen (P5.3.1.2)
Diffraction at a double slit and multiple slits
Diffraction at a double slit and multiple slits Interference pattern of experiment P5.3.1.2 on the screen (P5.3.1.2)
Diffraction at a double slit and multiple slits
Diffraction at a double slit and multiple slits

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The experiment P5.3.1.2 explores diffraction at a double slit. The constructive interference of secondary waves from the first slit with secondary waves from the second slit produces intensity maxima; at a given distance d between slit midpoints, the angles ϑn of these maxima are specified by

The intensities of the various maxima are not constant, as the effect of diffraction at a single slit is superimposed on the diffraction at a double slit. In the case of diffraction at more than two slits with equal spacings d, the positions of the interference maxima remain the same. Between any two maxima, we can also detect N-2 secondary maxima; their intensities decrease for a fixed slit width b and increasing number of slits N.

Components of equipment sets

1 469 84  4  Diaphragm with 3 double slits of different slit widths LD
1 469 85  4  Diaphragm with 4 double slits of different slit spacing LD
1 469 86  4  Diaphragm with 5 multiple slits with different slit numbers LD
1 460 22  4  Holder with spring clips LD
1 471 832 He-Ne laser, unpolarised LD
1 460 01  4  Lens in frame, f=5 mm LD
1 460 02  4  Lens in frame, f=50 mm LD
1 460 32  8  Optical bench with standardised profile, 1 m LD
4 460 370  8  Optics rider, 60/34 LD
1 441 53  8  Screen, translucent LD
1 300 11  4  Saddle base LD

Experiment Instructions

PDF (Experiment description) PDF (Experiment description) P5.3.1.2 Diffraction at a double slit and multiple slits
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