High-resolution fine structure of the characteristic X-ray radiation of a molybdenum anode

High-resolution fine structure of the characteristic X-ray radiation of a molybdenum anode Separation of the Kα1 and Kα2 lines in the Bragg spectrum (P6.3.6.11)
High-resolution fine structure of the characteristic X-ray radiation of a molybdenum anode
High-resolution fine structure of the characteristic X-ray radiation of a molybdenum anode Separation of the Kα1 and Kα2 lines in the Bragg spectrum (P6.3.6.11)
High-resolution fine structure of the characteristic X-ray radiation of a molybdenum anode
High-resolution fine structure of the characteristic X-ray radiation of a molybdenum anode

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The experiment P6.3.6.11 investigates the high-resolution X-ray spectrum of a molybdenum anode and the fine structure of the Kα line.

Components of equipment sets

1 554 800 X-ray apparatus LD
1 554 861  8  X-ray tube, Mo LD
1 554 831  8  Goniometer LD
1 554 835  8  HD Accessory, X-ray LD
1 554 78  4  NaCl crystal for Bragg reflection LD
1 559 01  8  End-window counter with cable for α, β, γ and X-rays LD
1 additionally required:
PC with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (x86 or x64)
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